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Chromosoma 1988 Jan 01;966:437-42. doi: 10.1007/bf00303038.
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The organization of ribosomal genes in diploid and tetraploid species of the genus Odontophrynus (Amphibia, Anura).

Cortadas J , Ruiz IR .

The organization of the repeat unit of the ribosomal genes was determined in populations of Odontophrynus americanus 2n, 4n, O. occidentalis 2n and O. barrioi 2n (Amphibia, Anura) from South America. HindIII, EcoRI and BamHI restriction patterns of rDNA from single individuals were probed with two rDNA clones from Xenopus laevis. Variations in length and sequence were found among different species, populations and specimens. A general pattern could be established from the most frequent type of repeat observed in each case, so that diploid populations could be distinguished from tetraploid ones. The molecular evolution of variant repeats is discussed. It is suggested that the reduced size of the non-transcribed spacers in the tetraploids from São Paulo could play a role in the control of rDNA transcription. Distinct restriction maps were tentatively correlated to the varying localization of active rDNA clusters on metaphase chromosomes of corresponding populations.

PubMed ID: 2851419
Article link: Chromosoma

References [+] :
Beçak, DNA and RNA content in diploid and tetraploid amphibians. 1971, Pubmed