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Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1989 May 30;1611:176-81.
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Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of human genomic DNA encoding a novel membrane protein which exhibits a slowly activating potassium channel activity.

Murai T , Kakizuka A , Takumi T , Ohkubo H , Nakanishi S .

The amino acid sequence for a novel human membrane protein that induces selective potassium permeation by membrane depolarization was deduced by molecular cloning and sequence analysis of its genomic DNA. This protein consists of 129 amino acid residues and shares several structural characteristics with the rat counterpart. These include a single putative transmembrane domain surrounded by many charged amino acid residues, two potential N-glycosylation sites at the amino-terminal portion and a single cysteine residue at the carboxyl-terminal portion. The transmembrane domain and its flanking carboxyl-terminal sequence are highly conserved between the human and rat sequences. Because the slowly activating potassium current elicited by the human protein on its expression in Xenopus oocytes is indistinguishable from that induced by the rat protein, the sequence conserved at the transmembrane domain and its following sequence should play an essential role in the induction of selective K+ permeation.

PubMed ID: 2730656
Article link: Biochem Biophys Res Commun