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J Embryol Exp Morphol 1979 Jun 01;51:137-53.
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Changes in protein synthesis during the development of Xenopus laevis.

Ballantine JE , Woodland HR , Sturgess EA .

Patterns of protein synthesis during the development of Xenopus were studied by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Up to the end of the blastula stage we find no newly synthesized proteins which are not already made in the oocyte. The first new proteins are seen during gastrulation, and they increase in number during neurulation. Some of these are restricted to the 'ectodermal' region, and some to the 'endodermal' region of embryos divided into two parts. These new, region-specific proteins include alpha-actin. When the oocyte matures the number of detectable newly synthesized proteins decreases, reaching a minimum in the unfertilized egg. Some, such as beta- and gamma-actin, re-appear at the end of cleavage. This could not be shown to be a recovery artifact. The relation of the total mRNA to these changes in protein synthesis was studied by translation in the lysed reticulocyte cell-free system. The mRNAs that code for oocyte proteins that cease synthesis in the unfertilized egg and re-appear in blastulae are nevertheless detectable in total RNA made from eggs. These proteins therefore seem to cease and resume synthesis through translational control. mRNAs for new proteins first appear after gastrulation, just when these proteins are first detected in vivo. This strongly suggests, though it does not prove, that new gene activity is involved. It is therefore likely that region-specific gene activity is already present by the gastrula stage of development, and has an impact on the most abundant kinds of proteins made in the embryo.

PubMed ID: 573306

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: acta2 actl6a