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Mol Cell Biol 1988 Jul 01;87:2910-6. doi: 10.1128/mcb.8.7.2910-2916.1988.
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Purification of Xenopus laevis mitochondrial RNA polymerase and identification of a dissociable factor required for specific transcription.

Bogenhagen DF , Insdorf NF .

The Xenopus laevis mitochondrial RNA (mtRNA) polymerase was purified to near homogeneity with an overall yield approaching 50%. The major polypeptides in the final fraction were a doublet of proteins of approximately 140 kilodaltons that copurified with the mtRNA polymerase activity. It appeared likely that the smaller polypeptide is a breakdown product of the larger one. The highly purified polymerase was active in nonspecific transcription but required a dissociable factor for specific transcription of X. laevis mtDNA. The factor could be resolved from mtRNA polymerase by hydrophobic chromatography and had a sedimentation coefficient of 3.0 S. The transcription factor eluted from both the hydrophobic column and a Mono Q anion-exchange column as a single symmetrical peak. The mtRNA polymerase and this factor together are necessary and sufficient for active transcription from four promoters located in a noncoding region of the mtDNA genome between the gene for tRNA(Phe) and the displacement loop.

PubMed ID: 2457154
PMC ID: PMC363510
Article link: Mol Cell Biol

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: mt-tr trna

References [+] :
Anderson, Sequence and organization of the human mitochondrial genome. 1981, Pubmed