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Chromosoma 1978 May 16;664:299-308. doi: 10.1007/bf00328531.
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Large scale isolation of nuclei and nucleoli from vitellogenic oocytes of Xenopus laevis.

Scalenghe F , Buscaglia M , Steinheil C , Crippa M .

A new method is described which allows the purification of large quantities of nuclei (germinal vesicles) from Xenopus laevis vitellogenic oocytes of different developmental stages. From the isolated nuclei, purified nucleoli were obtained. The isolated germinal vesicles are transcriptionally active showing endogenous RNA polymerase activity as well as a high level of activity with an exogenously added template.

PubMed ID: 657930
Article link: Chromosoma

References [+] :
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