J Histochem Cytochem
1984 Nov 01;3211:1217-23.
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Rapid embedding of tissues in Lowicryl K4M for immunoelectron microscopy.
Lowicryl K4M (K4M) was recently introduced as an embedding medium for immunocytochemistry at the electron microscope level (BL Armbruster, E Carlemalm, R Chiovetti, RM Garavito, JA Hobot, E Kellenberger, W Villiger (1982):J Microsc 126:77 and E Carlemalm, M Garavito, W Villiger (1982):J Microsc 126:123). While earlier protocols of fixation and embedding required 4-6 days, the present method has reduced the processing time by accelerating both dehydration of tissues and polymerization of K4M so that tissues can be prepared for sectioning within 4 hr. The immunocytochemical labeling density was quantitated in order to determine relative antigen preservation in tissues embedded by the accelerated protocol as compared to slower K4M embedding techniques and to tissues embedded in glutaraldehyde-cross-linked bovine serum albumin (BSA). Thin sections of Bufo marinus kidney were labeled with rabbit antibody to Na+,K+ATPase alpha chain catalytic subunit isolated from B. marinus kidney microsomes (M Girardet, K Geering, JM Frantes, D Geser, BC Rossier, JP Kraehenbuhl, C Bron (1981):Biochemistry 20:6684). B. marinus retinas were labeled with rabbit anti-opsin. After fixation in paraformaldehyde(3%)-glutaraldehyde(3%), tissues were washed in buffer, dehydrated in 50, 75, and 90% dimethyl-formamide (DMF, 10 min each); K4M:DMF, 1:2 (15 min); K4M:DMF, 1:1, (20 min); K4M (25 min); K4M (30 min) at room temperature and transferred in fresh K4M to BEEM capsules for exposure to ultraviolet light (GE 15 watt, Black-lite, 10 cm, 45 min or less) at 4 degrees C. Thin sections were labeled successively with antibody, biotinylated sheep anti-rabbit F(ab')2 and avidin-ferritin. Ferritin labeling densities were determined by point counting. High labeling densities were observed with both antibodies, equaling or exceeding levels of labeling by slower protocols or embedment in BSA.
PubMed ID: 6436366
Article link: J Histochem Cytochem
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Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: avd