Ann N Y Acad Sci
1991 Jan 01;625:108-15.
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Effects of general anesthetics and pressure on mammalian excitatory receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes.
The effects of general anesthetics and pressure on receptors from the mammalian central nervous system have been investigated using oocyte expression techniques. Poly A+ mRNA extracted from rat whole brain was injected into mature Xenopus oocytes producing depolarizing responses to the fast excitatory neurotransmitters NMDA and kainate and the inhibitory neurotransmitters GABA and glycine. An apparatus was constructed to allow agonist dose-response curves to be determined at high pressures using voltage-clamped oocytes. This was used to investigate the excitatory transmitter kainate. It was found that anesthetics depress the current induced by kainate whereas pressure does not appear to affect the responses associated with this transmitter. Furthermore it was found that pressure does not reverse (or modify in any way) the changes in response brought about by application of anesthetics.
PubMed ID: 1676253
Article link: Ann N Y Acad Sci