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Mol Cell Biol 1988 Apr 01;84:1684-96. doi: 10.1128/mcb.8.4.1684-1696.1988.
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Mapping functional regions of transcription factor TFIIIA.

Vrana KE , Churchill ME , Tullius TD , Brown DD .

Functional deletion mutants of the trans-acting factor TFIIIA, truncated at both ends of the molecule, have been expressed by in vitro transcription of a cDNA clone and subsequent cell-free translation of the synthetic mRNAs. A region of TFIIIA 19 amino acids or less, near the carboxyl terminus, is critical for maximal transcription and lies outside the DNA-binding domain. The elongated protein can be aligned over the internal control region (ICR) of the Xenopus 5S RNA gene with its carboxyl terminus oriented toward the 5' end of the gene and its amino terminus oriented toward the 3' end of the gene. The nine "zinc fingers" and the linkers that separate them comprise 80% of the protein mass and correspond to the DNA-binding domain of TFIIIA. The zinc fingers near the amino terminus of the protein contribute more to the overall binding energy of the protein to the ICR than do the zinc fingers near the carboxyl end. The most striking feature of TFIIIA is its modular structure. This is demonstrated by the fact that each zinc finger binds to just one of three short nucleotide sequences within the ICR.

PubMed ID: 2837652
PMC ID: PMC363329
Article link: Mol Cell Biol

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: gtf3a

References [+] :
Anderson, Structure of the repressor-operator complex of bacteriophage 434. , Pubmed