1989 Apr 21;572:253-63.
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Purification of MPF from starfish: identification as the H1 histone kinase p34cdc2 and a possible mechanism for its periodic activation.
MPF extracted from starfish oocytes copurifies with an M phase-specific H1 histone kinase encoded by a homolog of the fission yeast cell cycle control gene cdc2+. The most purified preparations contain p34cdc2 as the only major protein. Activation of the p34cdc2 kinase is correlated with appearance of the MPF activity both in vivo and in vitro. The increase in protein kinase activity is associated with p34cdc2 dephosphorylation and the decrease in protein kinase activity on leaving M phase with rephosphorylation. Microinjection of a peptide perfectly conserved in p34cdc2 from yeast to humans induces meiotic maturation, suggesting that an inhibitory component in G2 arrested oocytes interacts with this region of the p34cdc2 kinase. We propose that initiation of M phase is brought about by the dephosphorylation of p34cdc2, leading to increase in its protein kinase activity.
PubMed ID: 2649251
Article link: Cell
Species referenced: Xenopus
Genes referenced: cdk1