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Gene 1993 Jun 30;1282:189-95.
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Characterization of Xenopus laevis gamma-crystallin-encoding genes.

Smolich BD , Tarkington SK , Saha MS , Stathakis DG , Grainger RM .

In order to gain insight into crystallin (Cry)-encoding gene (cry) evolution and developmental function, we have determined the gene structure and sequence of several Xenopus laevis gamma-cry. These encode the most abundant Cry in the embryonic lens. Four of the X. laevis gamma-cry, which are part of a multigene family, were isolated from a X. laevis genomic library and demonstrated to have the same gene structure as gamma-cry from other vertebrates, thereby providing further evidence that the split between beta and gamma members of the beta gamma cry family occurred relatively early in evolution. Sequence comparisons indicate that these X. laevis genes share 88-90% nucleotide sequence identity in the protein coding regions, which is slightly higher than the identity observed between gamma-cry of other species. The 5' upstream regions of X. laevis gamma-cry contain a few short stretches of homology and one putative promoter element conserved among all cry genes but lack other regions common to gamma-cry promoters from other organisms. The deduced amino acid sequences of all four genes and one cDNA suggest that the structure of X. laevis gamma-Cry is highly conserved with that of other vertebrate gamma-Cry, as deduced from the known three-dimensional structure of bovine gamma B Cry.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 8514186
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Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: crygbl crygdl.43 crygdl2.2