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Nature 1980 Feb 14;2835748:658-60.
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Free calcium in Xenopus embryos measured with ion-selective microelectrodes.

Rink TJ , Tsien RY , Warner AE .

A regulatory role for intracellular free calcium has been suggested in cell division and intercellular communication via gap junctions. Previous measurements of cytoplasmic free Ca2+ during cell division and uncoupling have been made with the Ca2+-sensitive photoprotein aequorin. We now report experiments using Ca2+-sensitive microelectrodes to monitor free Ca2+ in the cells and intercellular fluid of early embryos of the amphibian Xenopus laevis. In addition to measuring basal levels, we have looked for changes in free Ca2+ during cell division and during electrical uncoupling of the normally coupled embryonic cells, induced by acidification of the intracellular medium.

PubMed ID: 7354852