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Br J Pharmacol 2012 Sep 01;1671:164-82. doi: 10.1111/j.1476-5381.2012.01989.x.
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Augmentation of cognitive function by NS9283, a stoichiometry-dependent positive allosteric modulator of α2- and α4-containing nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.

Timmermann DB , Sandager-Nielsen K , Dyhring T , Smith M , Jacobsen AM , Nielsen EØ , Grunnet M , Christensen JK , Peters D , Kohlhaas K , Olsen GM , Ahring PK .

Positive allosteric modulation of α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine (nACh) receptors could add a new dimension to the pharmacology and therapeutic approach to these receptors. The novel modulator NS9283 was therefore tested extensively.Effects of NS9283 were evaluated in vitro using fluorescence-based Ca(2+) imaging and electrophysiological voltage clamp experiments in Xenopus oocytes, mammalian cells and thalamocortical neurons. In vivo the compound was tested in models covering a range of cognitive domains in mice and rats.NS9283 was shown to increase agonist-evoked response amplitude of (α4)(3) (β2)(2) nACh receptors in electrophysiology paradigms. (α2)(3) (β2)(2) , (α2)(3) (β4)(2) and (α4)(3) (β4)(2) were modulated to comparable extents, but no effects were detected at α3-containing or any 2α : 3β stoichiometry nACh receptors. Native nACh receptors in thalamocortical neurons similarly displayed DHβE-sensitive currents that were receptive to modulation. NS9283 had favourable effects on sensory information processing, as shown by reversal of PCP-disrupted pre-pulse inhibition. NS9283 further improved performance in a rat model of episodic memory (social recognition), a rat model of sustained attention (five-choice serial reaction time task) and a rat model of reference memory (Morris water maze). Importantly, the effects in the Morris water maze could be fully reversed with mecamylamine, a blocker of nACh receptors.These results provide compelling evidence that positive allosteric modulators acting at the (α4)(3) (β2)(2) nACh receptors can augment activity across a broad range of cognitive domains, and that α4β2 nACh receptor allosteric modulation therefore constitutes a promising therapeutic approach to symptomatic treatment of cognitive impairment.

PubMed ID: 22506660
PMC ID: PMC3448921
Article link: Br J Pharmacol

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