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J Mol Evol 1987 Jan 01;251:58-64. doi: 10.1007/BF02100041.
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Ubiquitin genes as a paradigm of concerted evolution of tandem repeats.

Sharp PM , Li WH .

Ubiquitin is remarkable for its ubiquitous distribution and its extreme protein sequence conservation. Ubiquitin genes comprise direct repeats of the ubiquitin coding unit with no spacers. The nucleotide sequences of several ubiquitin repeats from each of humans, chicken, Xenopus, Drosophila, barley, and yeast have recently been determined. By analysis of these data we show that ubiquitin is evolving more slowly than any other known protein, and that this (together with its gene organization) contributes to an ideal situation for the occurrence of concerted evolution of tandem repeats. By contrast, there is little evidence of between-cluster concerted evolution. We deduce that in ubiquitin genes, concerted evolution involves both unequal crossover and gene conversion, and that the average time since two repeated units within the polyubiquitin locus most recently shared a common ancestor is approximately 38 million years (Myr) in mammals, but perhaps only 11 Myr in Drosophila. The extreme conservatism of ubiquitin evolution also allows the inference that certain synonymous serine codons differing at the first two positions were probably mutated at single steps.

PubMed ID: 3041010
Article link: J Mol Evol
Grant support: [+]

References [+] :
Boguski, Comparative analysis of repeated sequences in rat apolipoproteins A-I, A-IV, and E. 1985, Pubmed