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Anat Embryol (Berl) 1988 Jan 01;1782:143-53. doi: 10.1007/bf02463648.
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Morphological classification of retinal ganglion cells in adult Xenopus laevis.

Straznicky C , Straznicky IT .

Retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was used to characterise the soma and dendritic arborization of retinal ganglion cells in adult Xenopus laevis toad. HRP was administered to the cut end of the optic nerve and the morphological characteristics of HRP-filled ganglion cells were analysed in retinal wholemount preparations using computer assisted morphometry. Ganglion cells were classified according to their soma size, dendritic branching pattern, dendritic field and the number of shaft dendrites. Ganglion cells were divided into 3 major classes on the basis of soma sizes and extent of dendritic field: large (soma size, mean 258.04 micron 2 +/- 52.03 SD; dendritic field size 0.104 mm2 +/- 0.23), medium size (126.7 micron 2 +/- 37.01; 0.041 mm2 +/- 0.013) and small (87.3 micron 2 +/- 22.69; 0.0061 mm2 +/- 0.0035). A more detailed analysis allowed 12 morphologically distinct subgroups to be identified (Types I-XII). Quantitative studies showed that large cells comprise about 1%, medium size about 8-9% and the small cells over 90% of total ganglion cell population. The number of large and medium size ganglion cells corresponded well with the number of myelinated optic fibres and the number of small neurons with the number of unmyelinated optic fibres in the optic nerve. Large ganglion cells were correlated with Class 4 and 5, medium size ganglion cells with Class 3 and small ganglion cells with Class 1 and 2 functionally characterized ganglion cells in the frog retina (Maturana et al. 1960). The retinal distribution of large ganglion cells appear to suggest certain similarities to mammalian alpha type ganglion cells.

PubMed ID: 3394956
Article link: Anat Embryol (Berl)

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: pnma2 tbx2

References [+] :
Adams, Technical considerations on the use of horseradish peroxidase as a neuronal marker. 1977, Pubmed