Am J Physiol
1982 Jul 01;2431:R42-8. doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.1982.243.1.R42.
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High sensitivity of Xenopus gustatory receptors to amino acids and bitter substances.
The gustatory nerve responses of the aquatic toad Xenopus laevis to salts, acids, amino acids, and bitter substances were recorded. 1) The gustatory receptors were sensitive to amino acids and bitter substances. The thresholds were 10(-7) M for Arg, 3 X 10(-9) M for strychnine, and 3 X 10(-8) M for quinine, 200-20,000 times lower than the thresholds for the respective stimuli in the bullfrog. 2) The basic and the neutral amino acids were effective whereas the acidic ones were not. Relations between the responses and log stimulus concentrations for the basic amino acids were linear in a wide concentration range whereas those for the neutral ones were of S shape. Cross-adaptation did not occur among pairs of a basic amino acid and a neutral one. 3) Responses to the basic amino acids and the basic bitter substances were suppressed by the addition of salts to the stimulating solutions, while those to the neutral and the acidic substances were not suppressed.
PubMed ID: 7091394
Article link: Am J Physiol