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Mar Pollut Bull 2005 Dec 01;5012:1681-5. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2005.07.017.
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Occurrence of estrogen-like substances in the marine environment of the Northern Mediterranean Sea.

Pinto B , Garritano S , Reali D .

Evidence has been presented that a number of environmental agents perturbs the function of the sex hormone signalling pathways in marine animals. In this work the estrogenic/antiestrogenic activity of coastal marine water samples from five sites of the Northern Mediterranean Sea was assayed using a recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strain (RMY326 ER-ERE) transfected with the human estrogen receptor alpha. Extraction of potential EDCs from seawater was performed in columns packed with XAD-2 resins. The estrogenic activity was calculated as percentage of the activity of 17beta-estradiol (10 nM) and it ranged from 4.8% and 59.03%, significantly depending on sampling site (p=0.0013) and season (p<0.05). Antagonistic activity of extracts was also detected and the percentage of inhibition of estradiol-dependent beta-galactosidase induction ranged to 52.8%. These results point the reliability of the yeast assay as a first level screening test to assess the quality of aquatic environments.

PubMed ID: 16243363
Article link: Mar Pollut Bull