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Biochim Biophys Acta 1989 Jun 01;10081:14-22.
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Genes for human U3 small nucleolar RNA contain highly conserved flanking sequences.

Yuan Y , Reddy R .

Six human genomic clones containing sequences homologous to the U3 small nuclear RNA (snRNA) were isolated and characterized. Four of these clones were real U3 snRNA genes because they were transcribed in frog oocytes and the DNA sequences corresponding to the U3 snRNA were identical to the U3 snRNA of HeLa cells. The nucleotide sequences of four true U3 snRNA genes, 537 nucleotides on the 5'-flanking region and 340 nucleotides on the 3'-flanking region, were found to be identical. In addition, the restriction patterns, upto 2 kb on the 5' side and 2.2 kb on the 3' side, appeared to be same. All the isolated U3 clones, containing 15-20 kb of genomic DNA, contained only one U3 snRNA gene, indicating that the human U3 snRNA genes are several kilobases apart. One of the U3 clones contained a full-length U3 pseudogene. Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA with cloned U3 DNA as probe indicated that human DNA contains two families of U3 genes which differ in their flanking sequences. In the 5' flanking region of human U3 snRNA genes, homology to U-gene promoter element, an octamer motif, the 'U3 box', SP1 binding sites and a consensus 3' box in the 3' flanking region, were observed. These data show that the genomic organization and the sequence motifs that control transcription of human nucleolar U3 snRNA genes are similar to those of human U1 and U2 snRNA genes and suggest common mechanism(s) in the evolution of snRNA genes.

PubMed ID: 2719960
Article link: Biochim Biophys Acta
Grant support: [+]

Species referenced: Xenopus
Genes referenced: sp1