Dev Biol
1987 Aug 01;1222:332-7.
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Opening of single gap junction channels during formation of electrical coupling between embryonic muscle cells.
Gap junctions, which are low-resistance intercellular pathways, may contribute to normal embryogenesis by allowing cell-to-cell passage of as yet unidentified regulatory or inductive signals. But little is known about the properties of newly formed single junctional channels which are the basis of the communicating junctions. Reported here are the first direct measurements of current passing through single junctional channels as they form. Individual pairs of embryonic Xenopus muscle cells in culture were manipulated into contact, allowing control of the onset time and area of cellular contact, and current was recorded with the patch clamp technique. The opening of single channels which pass current between the two cells at a conductance of about 100 pS was observed within minutes of cell-cell contact. The channels opened one-at-a-time, and once formed, remained open for long periods of time, with infrequent brief closures. This suggests that formation of electrical coupling between two cells proceeds by addition of single conducting junctional channels one channel-at-a-time.
PubMed ID: 3596015
Article link: Dev Biol