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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1984 Aug 01;8116:5150-4.
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In vivo effects of microinjected alkaline phosphatase and its low molecular weight substrates on the first meiotic cell division in Xenopus laevis oocytes.

Hermann J , Mulner O , Bellé R , Marot J , Tso J , Ozon R .

Xenopus laevis oocytes were microinjected with low molecular weight phosphoesters such as 2-glycerophosphate, phosphotyrosine, phosphoserine, phosphothreonine, 4-nitrophenyl phosphate, and orthophosphate. These compounds were able to induce a considerable reduction in the time course of progesterone-induced maturation, with 2-glycerophosphate being the most effective. The basal level of cAMP and its drop during maturation were not affected by the microinjection of 2-glycerophosphate. The injection of alkaline phosphatase (EC from calf intestine at a low concentration (10 ng per oocyte) was able to decrease or abolish the effect of 2-glycerophosphate. At higher concentration (25 ng per oocyte) this enzyme totally blocked progesterone- or maturation-promoting factor-induced maturation. Alkaline phosphatase might behave in vivo as a phosphoprotein phosphatase active towards phosphotyrosine-containing proteins. In addition, our results indicate that phosphate or phosphoester-containing buffers should be avoided in the course of maturation-promoting factor purification.

PubMed ID: 6089179
PMC ID: PMC391655
Article link: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: camp cdk1

References [+] :
Drury, Method for the preparation of active maturation promoting factor (MPF) from in vitro matured oocytes of Xenopus laevis. 1978, Pubmed, Xenbase