FIG. 1. Antibody labeling of XRl cells by XAG2 (A, B) and XAN3 (C, D). (A, C) Phase photomicrographs of the fluorescence photographs in B
and D. (A, B) mAb XAG2 labels XRl cells. In contrast, XAN3 does not label the nonneuronal XRl cells (C, D). Calibration bar, 50 pm
FIG. 2. Immunofluorescence labeling of Xenopus tadpole tissue sections
with mAb XAGB. (A, C, E) Nomarski images of the fluorescence
photographs in B, D, and F, respectively. (A, B) Section of retina
labeled with XAG2. In B one sees the fluorescent processes of Miiller
cells (arrows) as they stretch toward the brightly labeled ILM. Their
cell bodies appear to be labeled in the INL, whereas the somas of the
retinal ganglion cells are unlabeled. Abbreviations: OPL, outer plexiform
layer; INL, inner nuclear layer; IPL, inner plexiform layer; RGC,
retinal ganglion cell layer; ILM, inner limiting membrane. (C, D)
Section of optic nerve labeled with XAGZ. (D) XAG2 labels the sheath
of the optic nerve as well as lightly labeling astrocytic processes
among the optic fibers. (E, F) Section of tadpole optic tectum labeled
with mAB XAGZ. Monoclonal antibody XAG2 labels the ventricular
zone and pial surface of the tectum as well as a multitude of fine
radially oriented processes. In addition, larger radially oriented profiles,
probably blood vessels, are also labeled with this antibody. Calibration
bar, 50 pm.
FIG. 3. Immunofluorescence labeling of fixed and permeabilized XRl cells. (A) R5 monoclonal antibody. (B) anti-vimentin. (C, D) Double-labeling
with anti-GFAP (C) and XAG2 (D), respectively. Calibration bar, 50 pm.
FIG. 4. Immunofluorescence labeling of tissue sections with monoclonal
antibody R5. (A, C, E) Nomarski images of fluorescence photographs
B, D, and F, respectively. (A, B) R5 labels the Mtiller cells in
the Xenopus retina, in particular their endfeet. (C, D) In the optic
nerve R5 labels thin processes among the optic fibers but does not
label either the optic fibers or the sheath. (E, F) R5 labels radial
processes, but not cell somata in the tadpole tectum. Abbreviations as
in Fig. 2.
FIG. 5 Nel
collagen ‘(0
confine t hem
explants cull
bar, 100 pm.
uril ;e outgrowth from retinal explants cultured on collagen (A), on a confluent layer of XRl cells (B), and on XRl COII lditioned
In e ach photomicrograph the explanted retina is located at the left of the photograph. (A) Neurites growing from the I explant
seb VC !s to flat cells which grow out from the explanted tissue and seldom venture onto the collagen substrate. (B, C) N( euri tes from
:urf :d on XRl cells (B) or on collagen conditioned by XRl cells (C) show extensive outgrowth away from the exl Jlant. Cal libration
FIG. 6. (A) Neurite extension onto various noncellular substrates.
The vertical axis shows the percentage of retinal explants with neurites
extending onto the substrate after 8 days in culture. The different
substrates and conditions are on the horizontal axis. C, collagen
(number of explants, n = 46); CPO, collagen-coated with polyornithine
(n = 42); CON A, conconavalin A (n = 38); fibronectin at 1 pg/ml (n
= 20), 10 rg/ml (n = 20), and 50 pg/ml (n = 20); Laminin at 1 fig/ml (n
= 24), 10 pg/ml (n = 57), and 40 @g/ml (n = 33). (B) Neurite outgrowth
onto various cell line derived substrates. CM, collagen with XRl conditioned
medium (n = 56); XRl, XRl conditioned collagen (n = 125);
XRS, XR8 conditioned collagen (n = 24); XR9, XR9 conditioned collagen
(n = 99); A6, A6 conditioned collagen (n = 79); XTC, XTC conditioned
collagen (n = 48).
FIG. 7. Scanning electron micrographs of Xenopus retinal neurons
cultured on various substrates. (A) Neurons grown on concanavalin A
substrates usually have flattened growth cones and extensive neurite
extensions (arrow). (B, C) The growth cones of neurons cultured on a
confluent layer of XRl cells (B) or on collagen conditioned by XRl
cells (C) are less flat and their neurites possess fewer branches, resembling
those found in viva. Calibration bar, 10 pm
FIG. 8. Neurite outgrowth on XRl conditioned collagen substrates.
(A) Chemical extractions and enzymatic treatments. CONT., untreated
control (n = 40); TRIT., substrate treated with 3% Triton
X-100 (n = 56); NH,OH, substrate treated with 0.02 M NH,OH (n
= 40); NEUR., substrate treated with 0.2 units/ml neuraminidase (n
= 38); HEP., substrate treated with 5 units/ml heparinase (n = 42);
TRYP., substrate treated with trypsin (n = 32); COLL., substrate
treated with collagenase (n = 45). (B) Neurite outgrowth on XRl
conditioned collagen substrates treated with antibodies. Untreat.
Cont., untreated control (n = 48); mAb XAG2, substrate treated with
monoclonal antibody XAGZ (n = 42); anti-N-CAM, substrate treated
with 0.5 mg/ml anti-N-CAM antibody (n = 48); INO, substrate treated
with 0.8 mg/ml IN0 antibody (n = 30); NOB1 IgG, affinity-purified
IgGs from polyclonal antiserum produced in a rabbit immunized with
XRl cells and membrane (n = 32). Cont. IgG, IgG fraction of preimagainst mune sera (n = 32); NOB1 Fab, Fab fragments from NOB1 IgGs (n
= 68); NOB1 (-)Fab, Fab fragments from affinity-depleted NOB1 (n
= 42); Cont. Fab, Fab fragments from preimmune IgGs (n = 47). (C)
Neurite outgrowth on laminin. CONT., laminin (10 pg/ml) (n = 57);
anti-LN, laminin treated with anti-laminin polyclonal sera (n = 44);
NOB1 Fab, laminin treated with NOB1 Fab fragments (n = 24). Neurite
outgrowth on XRl conditioned collagen substrates. CONT., XRl
conditioned collagen (n = 125); NOB1 Fab, XRl conditioned substrates
treated with NOB1 Fabs (n = 68); anti-LN, XRl conditioned
substrate treated with anti-laminin (n = 40
FIG. 9. NOB1 antibody labeling. (A, B) NOB1 labeling of XRl cells (A) and A6 cells (B). (C, D) Labeling of XRl cells (C) and A6 cells (D) using
NOB1 antiserum preabsorbed against intact A6 cells. (E) Immunodepleted NOB1 labeling of an XRl conditioned collagen substrate. (F)
Scanning electron micrograph of an XRl conditioned collagen substrate. Calibration bar, A-E, 25 pm; F, 5 pm.
FIG. 10. Immunoblot analysis using immunodepleted NOB1 antiserum
(lanes 1-5) and anti-laminin antibodies (lanes 6-8). Lane 1
(XRl), XRl whole cell homogenate sample. Lane 2 (A6), A6 whole cell
homogenate sample. Lanes 3 and 6 (C-XRl), Triton-treated XRl conditioned
collagen sample. Lanes 4 and 7 (C-A6), Triton-treated A6
conditioned collagen sample. Lanes 5 and 8, laminin sample. Molecular
weight markers are at the left (kDa).