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Nucleic Acids Res 2008 Oct 01;3618:6021-34. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkn605.
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Evolutionary conservation supports ancient origin for Nudt16, a nuclear-localized, RNA-binding, RNA-decapping enzyme.

Taylor MJ , Peculis BA .

Nudt16p is a nuclear RNA decapping protein initially identified in Xenopus (X29) and known to exist in mammals. Here, we identified putative orthologs in 57 different organisms ranging from humans to Cnidaria (anemone/coral). In vitro analysis demonstrated the insect ortholog can bind RNA and hydrolyze the m(7)G cap from the 5'-end of RNAs indicating the Nudt16 gene product is functionally conserved across metazoans. This study also identified a closely related paralogous protein, known as Syndesmos, which resulted from a gene duplication that occurred in the tetrapod lineage near the amniote divergence. While vertebrate Nudt16p is a nuclear RNA decapping protein, Syndesmos is associated with the cytoplasmic membrane in tetrapods. Syndesmos is inactive for RNA decapping but retains RNA-binding activity. This structure/function analysis demonstrates evolutionary conservation of the ancient Nudt16 protein suggesting the existence and maintenance of a nuclear RNA degradation pathway in metazoans.

PubMed ID: 18820299
PMC ID: PMC2566886
Article link: Nucleic Acids Res
Grant support: [+]

Species referenced: Xenopus
Genes referenced: nudt16

Article Images: [+] show captions
References [+] :
Abdelghany, Analysis of the catalytic and binding residues of the diadenosine tetraphosphate pyrophosphohydrolase from Caenorhabditis elegans by site-directed mutagenesis. 2003, Pubmed