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Dev Biol 2012 Mar 15;3632:333-47. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2012.01.006.
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Transcription factors involved in lens development from the preplacodal ectoderm.

Ogino H , Ochi H , Reza HM , Yasuda K .

Lens development is a stepwise process accompanied by the sequential activation of transcription factors. Transcription factor genes can be classified into three groups according to their functions: the first group comprises preplacodal genes, which are implicated in the formation of the preplacodal ectoderm that serves as a common primordium for cranial sensory tissues, including the lens. The second group comprises lens-specification genes, which establish the lens-field within the preplacodal ectoderm. The third group comprises lens-differentiation genes, which promote lens morphogenesis after the optic vesicle makes contact with the presumptive lens ectoderm. Analyses of the regulatory interactions between these genes have provided an overview of lens development, highlighting crucial roles for positive cross-regulation in fate specification and for feed-forward regulation in the execution of terminal differentiation. This overview also sheds light upon the mechanisms of how preplacodal gene activities lead to the activation of genes involved in lens-specification.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 22269169
??? Dev Biol

Species referenced: Xenopus
Genes referenced: bmp4 bmp7 cdkn1b crybb1 dlc dlx3 dlx5 eya1 eya2 fgf8 foxe3 hes1 hes4 mab21l1 maf mafb meis1 meis2 notch1 otx2 pax6 pdgfra pitx3 pknox1 pou2f1 prox1 six1 six3 six4 sox1 sox2 tbx2 zeb2

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