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J Comp Neurol 2018 Jul 01;52610:1712-1732. doi: 10.1002/cne.24441.
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Cellular composition and organization of the spinal cord central canal during metamorphosis of the frog Xenopus laevis.

Edwards-Faret G , Cebrián-Silla A , Méndez-Olivos EE , González-Pinto K , García-Verdugo JM , Larraín J .

Studying the cellular composition and morphological changes of cells lining the central canal during Xenopus laevis metamorphosis could contribute to understand postnatal development and spinal cord regeneration. Here we report the analysis of central canal cells at different stages during metamorphosis using immunofluorescence for protein markers expression, transmission and scanning electron microscopy and cell proliferation assays. The central canal was regionalized according to expression of glial markers, ultrastructure, and proliferation in dorsal, lateral, and ventral domains with differences between larvae and froglets. In regenerative larvae, all cell types were uniciliated, have a radial morphology, and elongated nuclei with lax chromatin, resembling radial glial cells. Important differences in cells of nonregenerative froglets were observed, although uniciliated cells were found, the most abundant cells had multicilia and revealed extensive changes in the maturation and differentiation state. The majority of dividing cells in larvae corresponded to uniciliated cells at dorsal and lateral domains in a cervical-lumbar gradient, correlating with undifferentiated features. Neurons contacting the lumen of the central canal were detected in both stages and revealed extensive changes in the maturation and differentiation state. However, in froglets a very low proportion of cells incorporate 5-ethynyl-2'-deoxyuridine (EdU), associated with the differentiated profile and with the increase of multiciliated cells. Our work showed progressive changes in the cell types lining the central canal of Xenopus laevis spinal cord which are correlated with the regenerative capacities.

PubMed ID: 29603210
Article link: J Comp Neurol

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: dcx fabp7 gja1 glul pcna prph sox2 vim
GO keywords: regeneration [+]
Antibodies: Dcx Ab2 Fabp7 Ab2 Gja1 Ab1 Glul Ab1 Pcna Ab7 S-100 beta Ab5 Sox2 Ab7 Tubulin I+II Ab1 Vim Ab1