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Cell Rep 2021 Aug 17;367:109556. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109556.
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Tubulin acetylation promotes penetrative capacity of cells undergoing radial intercalation.

Collins C , Kim SK , Ventrella R , Carruzzo HM , Wortman JC , Han H , Suva EE , Mitchell JW , Yu CC , Mitchell BJ .

Post-translational modification of tubulin provides differential functions to microtubule networks. Here, we address the role of tubulin acetylation on the penetrative capacity of cells undergoing radial intercalation, which is the process by which cells move apically, insert between outer cells, and join an epithelium. There are opposing forces that regulate intercalation, namely, the restrictive forces of the epithelial barrier versus the penetrative forces of the intercalating cell. Positively and negatively modulating tubulin acetylation in intercalating cells alters the developmental timing such that cells with more acetylation penetrate faster. We find that intercalating cells preferentially penetrate higher-order vertices rather than the more prevalent tricellular vertices. Differential timing in the ability of cells to penetrate different vertices reveals that lower-order vertices represent more restrictive sites of insertion. We shift the accessibility of intercalating cells toward more restrictive junctions by increasing tubulin acetylation, and we provide a geometric-based mathematical model that describes our results.

PubMed ID: 34407402
PMC ID: PMC8383821
Article link: Cell Rep
Grant support: [+]

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: atat1 cadm1 ckap5 deup1 dnai1 hdac6 mcc pard6b st14 tub tuba4b tubb
GO keywords: tissue homeostasis [+]
Antibodies: Tuba4b Ab4 Tubb Ab1
Morpholinos: atat1 MO1

Article Images: [+] show captions
References [+] :
Alper, The motility of axonemal dynein is regulated by the tubulin code. 2014, Pubmed