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Antibody Name: Chat Ab1

Common Name: Choline Acetyltransferase

RRID: AB_2079751
Synonyms: AB144, Anti-Choline Acetyltransferase antibody

Gene: chat
XAO: brain, spinal cord, motor neuron

Clone Type: Polyclonal
Source: Millipore

Clone Number AB144P
Isotype IgG
Host Organism goat
Xenopus Reactivity X. tropicalis, X. laevis
Non-Xenopus Reactivity chicken, human, mouse
Description: Supplied by Millipore, cat# AB144, AB144P
Name ChAT
Type polypeptide
Post Translational Modifications None
Source Organism human
Description Human placental enzyme
Reported Usage
immunohistochemistry 1:100
First: Distribution of choline acetyltransferase immunoreactivity in the brain of anuran (Rana perezi, Xenopus laevis) and urodele (Pleurodeles waltl) amphibians., J Comp Neurol 1997     
Most recent: Amphibian thalamic nuclear organization during larval development and in the adult frog Xenopus laevis: Genoarchitecture and hodological analysis., J Comp Neurol 2020     
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