abnormal retinal rod cell has 2 anatomical phenotype(s)
Images Sources Experiment + Assay Phenotypes Human Diseases
Fig. 3 a b c d f

Wiechmann AF et al. (2020)
Xtr + mtnr1a sgRNAs

NF 50-52
Anatomical Phenotype
abnormal eye photoreceptor cell morphology
abnormal retinal rod cell
abnormally decreased number of retinal cone cell
abnormally decreased number of retinal rod cell
abnormally necrotic eye photoreceptor cell
Fig 4 a b

Wiechmann AF et al. (2020)
Xtr + mtnr1a sgRNAs

NF 50-52
Anatomical Phenotype
abnormal eye photoreceptor cell morphology
abnormal retinal rod cell