vangl2 has 4 expression phenotype(s)
Images Sources Experiment + Assay Phenotypes Human Diseases

Chuykin I et al. (2021)
Xla Wt + fzd3 MO

NF16 (immunohistochemistry)
Anatomical Phenotype
abnormal establishment of cell polarity
Expression Phenotype
decreased amount vangl2.L expression in plasma membrane

Kowalczyk I et al. (2021)
Xla Wt + gipc1 MO

NF16 (immunohistochemistry)
Anatomical Phenotype
abnormal apical constriction
abnormal cell morphology
Expression Phenotype
decreased amount vangl2.L expression in forebrain
fig.3.b, b^1

Chu CW et al. (2016)
Xla Wt + prickle3 MO

NF15 (immunohistochemistry)
Anatomical Phenotype
abnormal establishment of planar polarity
Expression Phenotype
mislocalised vangl2.L expression in gastrocoel roof plate
fig.3.c, c^1

Chu CW et al. (2016)
Xla Wt + prickle3-GFP

NF15 (immunohistochemistry)
Anatomical Phenotype
abnormal establishment of planar polarity
Expression Phenotype
mislocalised vangl2.L that expressed in plasma membrane