wnt10a has 2 expression phenotype(s)
Images Sources Experiment + Assay Phenotypes Human Diseases
No Image GSE87653

Stevens ML et al. (2017)
Xla Wt + BIO

foregut NF20 - RNA-Seq (RNA)
Expression Phenotype
increased amount wnt10a.L expression in the foregut
increased amount actc1.S expression in the foregut
increased amount ak3.S expression in the foregut
increased amount apcdd1.L expression in the foregut
increased amount apcdd1.S expression in the foregut
increased amount aqp3.L expression in the foregut
increased amount arhgap22.L expression in the foregut
increased amount arhgef10.L expression in the foregut
increased amount atp1a2.L expression in the foregut
increased amount atrnl1.L expression in the foregut
increased amount axin2.L expression in the foregut
increased amount axin2.S expression in the foregut
increased amount axin2l.L expression in the foregut
increased amount axin2l.S expression in the foregut
increased amount azin2.S expression in the foregut
increased amount bag2.S expression in the foregut
increased amount barhl2.S expression in the foregut
increased amount bean1.L expression in the foregut
increased amount bsx.L expression in the foregut
increased amount c1ql4.L expression in the foregut
increased amount cabp4.L expression in the foregut
increased amount ccdc85a.L expression in the foregut
increased amount cdx1.S expression in the foregut
increased amount cdx2.S expression in the foregut
increased amount cdx4.L expression in the foregut
increased amount cdx4.S expression in the foregut
increased amount chrd.1.L expression in the foregut
increased amount chrd.1.S expression in the foregut
increased amount cpne2.L expression in the foregut
increased amount dach1.L expression in the foregut
increased amount dkk1.S expression in the foregut
increased amount dmrta1.S expression in the foregut
increased amount edn1.L expression in the foregut
increased amount efemp2.L expression in the foregut
increased amount emilin2.S expression in the foregut
increased amount emx2.L expression in the foregut
increased amount emx2.S expression in the foregut
increased amount fam181b.S expression in the foregut
increased amount fgf20.L expression in the foregut
increased amount foxb1.L expression in the foregut
increased amount foxb1.S expression in the foregut
increased amount foxd3.L expression in the foregut
increased amount foxd3.S expression in the foregut
increased amount foxd4l1.1.L expression in the foregut
increased amount foxd4l1.1.S expression in the foregut
increased amount fzd10.L expression in the foregut
increased amount fzd10.S expression in the foregut
increased amount gdf10.L expression in the foregut
increased amount gpm6a.S expression in the foregut
increased amount hes5.8.L expression in the foregut
increased amount hes7.1.L expression in the foregut
increased amount hes7.1.S expression in the foregut
increased amount hes7.2.S expression in the foregut
increased amount hoxa5.L expression in the foregut
increased amount hoxa5.S expression in the foregut
increased amount hoxa7.L expression in the foregut
increased amount hoxb4.S expression in the foregut
increased amount hoxc4.L expression in the foregut
increased amount hoxc4.S expression in the foregut
increased amount hoxc5.L expression in the foregut
increased amount hoxc5.S expression in the foregut
increased amount hoxc6.L expression in the foregut
increased amount hoxc6.S expression in the foregut
increased amount hoxc8.S expression in the foregut
increased amount hoxd1.L expression in the foregut
increased amount ifitm1.S expression in the foregut
increased amount igfbp2.S expression in the foregut
increased amount igfbp5.L expression in the foregut
increased amount igfbp5.S expression in the foregut
increased amount impa2.S expression in the foregut
increased amount irx5.S expression in the foregut
increased amount kcnj15.S expression in the foregut
increased amount kremen1.L expression in the foregut
increased amount kremen2.L expression in the foregut
increased amount kremen2.S expression in the foregut
increased amount lgr5.S expression in the foregut
increased amount lmx1b.1.L expression in the foregut
increased amount lmx1b.1.S expression in the foregut
increased amount lrmda.L expression in the foregut
increased amount lum.L expression in the foregut
increased amount lum.S expression in the foregut
increased amount lyrm2.L expression in the foregut
increased amount mb21d2.S expression in the foregut
increased amount msgn1.L expression in the foregut
increased amount myo3b.L expression in the foregut
increased amount nodal3.1.L expression in the foregut
increased amount nog.L expression in the foregut
increased amount not.L expression in the foregut
increased amount not.S expression in the foregut
increased amount notum.S expression in the foregut
increased amount ntn3.L expression in the foregut
increased amount ntn3.S expression in the foregut
increased amount olig4.L expression in the foregut
increased amount pah.S expression in the foregut
increased amount pax3.L expression in the foregut
increased amount pax3.S expression in the foregut
increased amount pax8.L expression in the foregut
increased amount pdgfc.L expression in the foregut
increased amount pnhd.L expression in the foregut
increased amount pnhd.S expression in the foregut
increased amount pou3f2.L expression in the foregut
increased amount pou3f2.S expression in the foregut
increased amount prrx1.L expression in the foregut
increased amount prrx1.S expression in the foregut
increased amount qdpr.S expression in the foregut
increased amount qrfpr.L expression in the foregut
increased amount rab11fip5.L expression in the foregut
increased amount rbbp8.S expression in the foregut
increased amount rgs11.L expression in the foregut
increased amount s1pr1.L expression in the foregut
increased amount shd.L expression in the foregut
increased amount snap25.L expression in the foregut
increased amount sp5.L expression in the foregut
increased amount sp5.S expression in the foregut
increased amount sp8.S expression in the foregut
increased amount tcf15.S expression in the foregut
increased amount tfap2b.L expression in the foregut
increased amount tfap2e.L expression in the foregut
increased amount tfap2e.S expression in the foregut
increased amount timp3.L expression in the foregut
increased amount tnfrsf19.L expression in the foregut
increased amount tnfrsf19.S expression in the foregut
increased amount tshz1.L expression in the foregut
increased amount tshz1.S expression in the foregut
increased amount tspear.S expression in the foregut
increased amount wif1.L expression in the foregut
increased amount wif1.S expression in the foregut
increased amount wnt2b.L expression in the foregut
increased amount wnt8b.L expression in the foregut
increased amount wnt8b.S expression in the foregut
increased amount XB5848002.L expression in the foregut
increased amount zic1.S expression in the foregut
increased amount zic3.L expression in the foregut
increased amount zic3.S expression in the foregut
increased amount zic4.L expression in the foregut
increased amount zic4.S expression in the foregut
increased amount znf503.L expression in the foregut
increased amount znf503.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount aacs.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount abhd2.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount ache.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount acod1.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount ada.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount adal.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount adam15.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount adam28.2.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount adam33.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount adcy5.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount adm2.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount ag1.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount ag1.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount agr2.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount alas1.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount alas2.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount alas2.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount aldh5a1.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount alox5.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount alox5ap.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount arhgap30.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount arhgdib.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount arhgef37.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount ark2c.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount arr3.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount arsj.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount asb1.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount ascl1.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount ascl1.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount atp12a.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount b3galt2l.7.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount b3galt5.1.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount b4galt1.1.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount bag3.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount bcas1.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount bhlhe22.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount bhlhe22.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount bmp3.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount bmp7.1.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount bsk146.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount btbd9.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount c1galt1.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount c1qtnf12.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount c5ar1.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount cacnb2.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount cadm4.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount calcrl.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount cat.3.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount cat.3.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount cbm20.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount ccndx.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount cd44.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount cd53.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount cda.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount cdc42se1.L expression in the foregut
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decreased amount cdkn1a.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount cdkn1a.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount ceacam19lx.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount cebpa.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount cebpa.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount cebpb.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount cebpb.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount cebpd.S expression in the foregut
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decreased amount cracr2b.L expression in the foregut
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decreased amount crispld2.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount crx.L expression in the foregut
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decreased amount csf3.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount csf3r.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount ctss.S expression in the foregut
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decreased amount cxcr1.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount cyba.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount cybb.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount cyp26c1.S expression in the foregut
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decreased amount dbh.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount dbh.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount dbndd1.L expression in the foregut
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decreased amount dio3.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount dkk3.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount dlx2.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount dlx2.S expression in the foregut
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decreased amount dstn.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount dusp5.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount dusp8.L expression in the foregut
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decreased amount efna5.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount egfl7.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount egfl7.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount ell3.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount ell3.S expression in the foregut
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decreased amount eomes.L expression in the foregut
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decreased amount epha7.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount epx.L expression in the foregut
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decreased amount ern2.S expression in the foregut
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decreased amount fam163b.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount fam20c.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount fam78a.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount fam83g.S expression in the foregut
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decreased amount fcrg.S expression in the foregut
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decreased amount fev.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount fez2.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount fezf2.L expression in the foregut
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decreased amount fgr.L expression in the foregut
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decreased amount fmnl1.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount fos.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount fos.S expression in the foregut
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decreased amount foxe1.S expression in the foregut
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decreased amount foxi2.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount foxo1.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount foxq1.S expression in the foregut
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decreased amount krt61.S expression in the foregut
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decreased amount mapkapk3.L expression in the foregut
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decreased amount MGC147117.S expression in the foregut
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decreased amount mxd1.S expression in the foregut
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decreased amount XB22065625.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount XB22169526.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount XB5733233.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount XB5761350.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount XB5774338.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount XB5816429.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount XB5871033.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount XB5901519.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount XB5953580.L expression in the foregut
decreased amount xepsin.S expression in the foregut
decreased amount zfyve28a.L expression in the foregut
No Image GSE56169

Wills AE and Baker JC (2015)
Xtr Wt + tcf3 MO

WE NF10.5 - RNA-Seq (RNA)
Expression Phenotype
decreased amount pcdh19 expression in the embryo
increased amount acod1la expression in the embryo
increased amount acod1lb expression in the embryo
increased amount atg4a expression in the embryo
increased amount b3galt2l.9 expression in the embryo
increased amount barhl2 expression in the embryo
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increased amount cat1 expression in the embryo
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increased amount coq2 expression in the embryo
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increased amount dnajb14 expression in the embryo
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increased amount fgf9 expression in the embryo
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increased amount gadd45b expression in the embryo
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decreased amount trabd2a expression in the embryo
decreased amount trim29 expression in the embryo
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decreased amount tsg101 expression in the embryo
decreased amount tspo expression in the embryo
decreased amount tuba1cl.1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount tuba1cl.2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount tuba1cl.3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount twist1 expression in the embryo
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decreased amount ventx1.2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount ventx3.1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount ventx3.2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount vepp1 expression in the embryo
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decreased amount wnt5b expression in the embryo
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decreased amount wsb1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB22041731 [provisional] expression in the embryo
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decreased amount XB5842389 [provisional] expression in the embryo
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decreased amount XB5956456 [provisional] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5967085 [provisional] expression in the embryo
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