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Line Name Species Mutated Gene(s) Description Availability
Xla.wnt11b+/- X. laevis wnt11b.L Heterozygote offspring from a cross between a homozygous wnt11b{-/-} father and wildtype mother. Als...
Xla.wnt11b-/- X. laevis wnt11b.L Homozygote offspring from a cross between a homozygous wnt11b{-/-} mother and father. Also described...
Xla.wnt11b-/+ X. laevis wnt11b.L Heterozygote offspring from a cross between a homozygous wnt11b{-/-} mother and wildtype father. Als...
Xtr.icam5em2Horb X. tropicalis icam5 2nd Xtropicalis line with CRISPR knockout of icam5 (intercellular adhesion molecule 5), Germ line tr... NXR
Xtr.hs6st1emNXR X. tropicalis hs6st1 CRISPR knockout of hs6st1 (heparan sulfate 6-O-sulfotransferase 1) gene. Mutation not yet characteri... NXR
Xtr.gdf1em3Horb X. tropicalis gdf1 CRISPR knockout of gdf1 (growth differentiation factor 1). Confirmed germline transmission. Custom m... NXR
Xla.dmrt1em4NXR X. laevis dmrt1.L dmrt1.S Double X. levis CRISPR knockout line, targeting both dmrt1.S and dmrt1.L (doublesex and mab-3 relat... NXR
Xla.ccdc69wem3NXR X. laevis 3rdof 3 CRISPR line targeting the male sex determination gene ccdc69w developed by the NXR. Germ lin... NXR
Xla.ccdc69wem2NXR X. tropicalis 2nd of 3 CRISPR line targeting the male sex determination gene ccdc69w developed by the NXR. Germ li... NXR
Xla.ccdc69wem1NXR X. laevis CRISPR line targeting the male sex determination gene ccdc69w. Germ line transmission confirmed . A... NXR
Xtr.cbsemNXR X. tropicalis cbs Custom CRISPR generated by NXR, targeting the cbs (cystathionine-beta-synthase) gene, NXR
Xbo.dmrt1em2NXR X. borealis 2nd of 2 X. borealis CRISPR lines bred by NXR, targeting dmrt1 (doublesex and mab-3 related transcri... NXR
Xbo.dmrt1em1NXR X. borealis 1 of 2 X. borealis CRISPR line bred by NXR, targeting dmrt1 (doublesex and mab-3 related transcripti... NXR
Xtr.snai2em3NXR X. tropicalis snai2 3rd CRISPR knockout line targeting snai2 (snail family zinc finger 2) in X. tropicalis. Germ line tr... NXR
Xtr.snai2 em2NXR X. tropicalis snai2 CRISPR knockout of snai2 (snail family zinc finger 2) in X. tropicalis. Germ line transmission confi... NXR
Xtr.sobp[em2NXR] X. tropicalis sobp 2nd of 2 CRISPR knockout of sobp (sine oculis binding protein homolog ) X. tropicalis lines held by ... NXR
Xtr.syngap1 emNXR X. tropicalis syngap1 CRISPR line targeting syngap1 (). Not screened for mutation or germ line transmission yet. Contact t... NXR
Xla.tcf3emNXR X. laevis tcf3.L X. laevis CRISPR line targeting tcf3.L (transcription factor 3). Line in development. Contact NXR f... NXR
Xla.tbx21emNXR X. laevis tbx21.L tbx21.S double CRISPR KO line targeting tbx21.L and tbx21.S in X. laevis. germ line transmission snd mutatio... NXR
Xla.tap2emNXR X. laevis tap2.L tap2.S X. laevis CRISPR line targeting tap2 (transporter 2, ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP), a... NXR
Xla.tap1emNXR X. laevis tap1.L X. laevis CRISPR line targeting tap1 (transporter 1, ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP), a... NXR
Xla.tracemHorb X. laevis trac.S X. laevis CRISPR line targeting trac.S (T cell receptor alpha constant), a gene associated with immu... NXR
Xla.velo1emNXR X. laevis velo1.L X. laevis CRISPR line targeting velo1.L (velo1 protein). Mutation not yet characterized . Germ lin... NXR
Xla.wnt3em2NXR X. laevis wnt3.L X. laevis CRISPR line targeting wnt3.L (Wnt family member 3). Germ line transmission not yet confirm...
Xla.wnt3em1NXR X. laevis wnt3.S X. laevis CRISPR line targeting wnt3.S (Wnt family member 3). Germ line transmission not yet confirm... NXR
Xtr.wnt3em1NXR X. tropicalis wnt3 CRISPR line targeting wnt3 (Wnt family member 3). Germ line transmission not yet confirmed, mutation... NXR
Xtr.xbp1em2NXR X. tropicalis xbp1 2nd X. tropicalis CRISPR line for xbp1 (X-box binding protein 1, a gene assocaited with Major Affec... NXR
Xtr.sox2em2Horb X. tropicalis CRISPR knockout of sox2 (SRY-box 2). Custom mutant line. Germ line transmission confirmed. Animals c... NXR
Xtr.shroom3em2Horb X. tropicalis shroom3 CRISPR knockout of shroom3 (shroom family member 3), Current mosaic founders, Germ line transmissio... NXR
Xla.scanwemNXR X. laevis CRISPR knock out of the male sex determining gene, scan-w. Animals carry a 20bp deletion in scanw. ... NXR
Xtr.ripply3em2NXR X. tropicalis ripply3 2nd of 2 ripply3 lines at the NXR, CRISPR KO of ripply3 (ripply transcriptional repressor 3). Germ l... NXR
Xtr.prph2em2Horb X. tropicalis prph2 2nd X. tropicalis line with CRISPR knockout of prph2 (peripherin 2 (retinal degeneration, slow)). Co... NXR
Xtr.pou4f1em2NXR X. tropicalis pou4f1 Custom CRISPR Xtropicalis line carrying a single 1bp insertion in pou4f1 (POU class 4 homeobox 1) ge... NXR
Xla.pkhd1em3Horb X. laevis pkhd1.L 3rd of 3 X. laevis CRISPR lines for pkhd1 (ciliary IPT domain containing fibrocystin/polyductin) gen... NXR
Xla.pkhd1em2Horb X. laevis pkhd1.L CRISPR knockout of pkhd1 (PKHD1, fibrocystin/polyductin), Germ line transmission confirmed. Animals ... NXR
Xla.pax7em3Horb X. laevis pax7.L pax7.S 3rd Xlaevis pax7 mutant line at the NXR. CRISPR knockout of pax7 (paired box 7). Germ line transmiss... NXR
Xla.pax7em2Horb X. laevis pax7.L pax7.S CRISPR knockout of pax7 (paired box ). Germ line transmission confirmed. Animals carry a -22bp dele... NXR
Xtr.notch4 em2Horb X. tropicalis notch4 the 2nd of 2 notch4 lines in X. tropicalis being bred by Horb lab. Contact NXR for details. NXR
Xtr.nagluem3NXR) X. tropicalis naglu CRISPR knockout of naglu (N-acetyl-alpha-glucosaminidase). 3rd of 3 X.tropicalis mutant lines. Germ ... NXR
Xtr.eomesem2Horb X. tropicalis eomes 2nd CRISPR knockout of eomes (eomesodermin), carrying a 4bp deletion. Custom mutant generated by Ho...
Xla.Tg(thibz:GFP)Demnx X. laevis fluorescent transgenic X. laevis embryos bearing a TH/bZIP-eGFP construct, used in toxicology labs t...
Xla.Tg(bcan.S:eGFP)LRBUH X. laevis Tg line created using New and Easy Xenopus Targeted integration (NEXTi), to introduce an enhanced gr...
Xla.Tg(sox2.L:eGFP)LRBUH X. laevis Tg line created using New and Easy Xenopus Targeted integration (NEXTi), to introduce an enhanced gr...
Xla.Tg(myod1.S:eGFP)LRBUH X. laevis Tg line created using New and Easy Xenopus Targeted integration (NEXTi), to introduce an enhanced gr...
Xla.Tg(krt12.2.L:eGFP)LRBUH X. laevis Tg line created using New and Easy Xenopus Targeted integration (NEXTi), to introduce an enhanced gr...
Xla.Tg (Xtr.mpo:eGFP)Kato X. laevis Transgenic X. laevis line expresses mpo, a myeloid cell marker, in the tadpole liver cortex, after ...
Xla.Tg (pax6: GFP; cmv: DsRED)Papal X. laevis pax6 driving green fluorescent protein (GFP) bred into an albino background.
Xla.wtTEFOR X. laevis Wild-type Xenopus laevis from TEFOR Paris-Saclay
Xla.albino X. laevis A generic strain of albino Xenopus laevis without more specific provenance.
Xla.Tg(hsp70:eGFP)Yumi X. laevis The hsp70-GFP F4 Tg Xenopus line containing enhanced GFP under the control of the hsp70 promoter, d...

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