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Figure 2 goosecoid Expression Follows the Expected Behavior of the Organizer Field in Experimentally Treated Embryos These embryos have been rendered transparent with Murray’s solution (see Experimental Procedures). (A) untreated stage 10½ gastrula; note that the goosecoid field encompasses about 60° of arc of the marginal zone. (B) LiCI-treated gastrula (0.12 M for 40 min at the 32-cell stage); goosecoid expression has become radially symmetric. (C) UV-treated gastrula (60 s, see Experimental Procedures); note that goosecoid expression is abolished. (D) RA-treated embryo (10−6 M, starting at the 2-cell stage); goosecoid expression is inhibited but still weakly detectable.

Image published in: Cho KW et al. (1991)

Copyright © 1991. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.

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