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Fig. 6. Influence of pigmented and unpigmented oil droplets on sensitivity of cones in Xenopus laevis, Gallus gallus domesticus and Trachemys scripta elegans in the absence of the ellipsoid. (A) Relative cone photoreceptor dimensions used in calculations. (B,C) Absorption coefficients of the long-, medium- and short-wavelength-sensitive (LWS, MWS and SWS, respectively) cone oil droplets in the chicken and turtle, respectively. Pale lines show measured spectra, dark lines show modelled spectra. (D–F) Oil droplet enhancement factors for the cone photoreceptors of the three species. (G–I) Relative cone sensitivities using the calculated enhancement factors. Dotted lines show the visual pigment absorbance templates. Solid lines show the result of multiplying the normalised visual pigment absorbance by the enhancement factor. (D,G) Xenopus laevis. (B,E,H) Gallus gallus domesticus. (C,F,I) Trachemys scripta elegans. The chicken silhouette was designed by freepik. Xenopus and turtle silhouettes were modified from photographs by Brian Gratwicke and Jim Capaldi made available on Flickr under Creative Commons attribution licenses.

Image published in: Wilby D and Roberts NW (2017)

© 2017. This image is reproduced with permission of the journal and the copyright holder. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license

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