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Fig. 3. Inhibition of GATA function disrupts gastrulation movements. (A) Induction of Sox17α by mdlGATA6 in animal caps is inhibited by myqGATA6EnR. Relative gene expression in animal caps at sib stage 12 measured by real-time RT-PCR. Fifty picograms of each RNA was injected into animal caps of one-cell embryos. This experiment was repeated twice giving similar results each time. (B) Transactivation of a GATA-driven luciferase reporter gene by endogenous factors in the marginal zone is inhibited by myqGATA6EnR. The marginal zone of each blastomere at the four-cell stage was injected with reporter DNA ±myqGATA6EnR mRNA. Luciferase activity is expressed as fold activation relative to background activity in uninjected embryos. This experiment was repeated twice giving similar results each time. (C and D) Inhibition of GATA function disrupts gastrulation movements and anterior development. (C) myqGATA6EnR-injected embryos display delayed gastrulation, poor head development and shortened anterior posterior axes. Fluorescent image shows nlsGFP expression in a myqGATA6EnR-injected embryo (see bright-field image above) and demonstrates accurate targeting of the marginal zone. (D) Pooled embryo phenotype counts from three independent experiments. Only predominant defects were scored to avoid multiple counting of the same specimen. The phenotype observed varied between embryo batches, however gastrulation was always delayed and disturbed. (E) Morphology and gene expression in myqGATA6EnR-injected embryos. Following injection of myqGATA6EnR or EnR (control) RNA into each blastomere at the four cell stage, embryos were cultured to stage 11, sagitally sectioned and hybridised with anti-sense probes for the indicated genes. Morphology and gene expression are normal in EnR-injected embryos, but are disrupted by myqGATA6EnR-injection.

Image published in: Fletcher G et al. (2006)

Copyright © 2006. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.

hhex.Lhex, tHex, XHexX. laevisThroughout NF stage 11endomesoderm
cer1.Scer, cer-1, Cerberus, dand4, LOC108713989, tCerberus, xcer, xcer-1, xcer1X. laevisThroughout NF stage 11endomesoderm
mix1.Smix.1, mix.2, mix2, tMixX. laevisThroughout NF stage 11endomesoderm

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