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Figure 5. A: Sex-specific recombination rates crossover frequencies in male and female germlines were compared using a set of homozygous mutant cyd embryos and a “three-allele” polymorphism (simple sequence length polymorphism [SSLP] 011A08) ∼10 cM away. Parental female and male chromosomes (left) bearing the mutant cyd allele share one 011A08 allele (thin black bar) but have distinct 011A08 alleles in repulsion to cyd (maternal allele, solid gray box; paternal allele, hollow gray box). cyd mutant embryos homozygous for the coupled 011A08 allele indicate no recombination (top right, 170/217 cyd embryos assayed); 47 embryos were heterozygous at 011A08, indicating an intervening crossover. Recombination in maternal germline denoted by the intermediate MW solid gray maternal 011A08 allele (middle right) was detected in 39/47 (83%) recombinants, and in the paternal germline (high MW allele) in 8/47 (17%) (bottom right). No embryos showed recombination in both parents. B: Representative genotyping results at marker 011A08: left lanes, female and male parents showing distinct intermediate and high MW alleles; progeny lanes: homozygous low MW band = no recombination; black asterisks, intermediate MW allele = maternal recombination; white asterisk, high MW allele = paternal recombination.Download figure to PowerPoint

Image published in: Khokha MK et al. (2009)

Copyright © 2009. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, John Wiley & Sons.

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