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Profile Publications (21)
Name: James Hanken
Position: Emeritus Professor of Zoology
Research Description:
I study the evolution of morphology, developmental biology, and systematics. Most work by my group focuses on amphibians but otherwise addresses a wide range of topics, taxa, and methodologies. The latter range from laboratory-based molecular analyses to extensive field surveys. Current subjects include the evolution of craniofacial patterning in vertebrates; the developmental basis of life-history evolution; systematics, taxonomy and evolution of African frogs and neotropical and Asian salamanders; and amphibian declines and conservation. Active field programs are maintained in Mexico, Argentina, China, Africa, and Sri Lanka, and my laboratory serves as a community research facility for NSF’s AmphibiaTree project.

Lab Memberships

Hanken Lab (Principal Investigator/Director)

Contact Information

Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
Harvard University
26 Oxford Street
Cambridge, MA
02138, USA

Web Page:
Phone:  617-495-2496