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Figure 4. Effect of N-terminal truncation on kinetics of hERG deactivation. (A) Typical examples of ionic current (i) and fluorescence (ii) recorded after repolarization to −120 mV from a depolarized holding potential for E518C and Δ2–25 hERG. The fast time constant (τfast) for deactivation of ionic current was derived from a fit of a double exponential function to the decaying phase of the current after repolarization. Time constants for VSD return were derived from fits of a single exponential to the decaying phase of the fluorescence record. (B) Summary of the voltage dependence of rates of deactivation and VSD return for E518C and Δ2–25 hERG channels. Error bars are SEM; n ≥ 7.

Image published in: Tan PS et al. (2012)

© 2012 Tan et al. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license

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