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Cell Tissue Res 1988 Nov 01;2542:295-300. doi: 10.1007/bf00225802.
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The distribution of nucleoplasmin in early development and organogenesis of Xenopus laevis.

Wedlich D , Dreyer C .

The fate of the germinal vesicle-derived protein, nucleoplasmin, was followed in embryos and tadpoles of Xenopus using monoclonal antibodies and indirect immunofluorescent staining. Nucleoplasmin was found in all nuclei up to feeding tadpole stages. Thereafter its level decreased in all nuclei. It was not detected in nuclei of advanced tadpoles or of adults. Contrasting with another protein, N1, that was previously monitored in the nuclei of dividing gonia of both sexes, nucleoplasmin was only detected in the nuclei of ovarian oocytes starting at diplotene. Traces of nucleoplasmin have also been found in a rapidly-dividing fibroblastic cell-line by immunohistology and protein blotting.

PubMed ID: 3058314
Article link: Cell Tissue Res

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: npm1
Antibodies: Npm1 Ab1

References [+] :
Bürglin, Cloning of nucleoplasmin from Xenopus laevis oocytes and analysis of its developmental expression. 1987, Pubmed, Xenbase