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Sci Rep 2021 Mar 23;111:6607. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-86153-x.
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Furry is required for cell movements during gastrulation and functionally interacts with NDR1.

Cervino AS , Moretti B , Stuckenholz C , Grecco HE , Cirio MC .

Gastrulation is a key event in animal embryogenesis during which germ layer precursors are rearranged and the embryonic axes are established. Cell polarization is essential during gastrulation, driving asymmetric cell division, cell movements, and cell shape changes. The furry (fry) gene encodes an evolutionarily conserved protein with a wide variety of cellular functions, including cell polarization and morphogenesis in invertebrates. However, little is known about its function in vertebrate development. Here, we show that in Xenopus, Fry plays a role in morphogenetic processes during gastrulation, in addition to its previously described function in the regulation of dorsal mesoderm gene expression. Using morpholino knock-down, we demonstrate a distinct role for Fry in blastopore closure and dorsal axis elongation. Loss of Fry function drastically affects the movement and morphological polarization of cells during gastrulation and disrupts dorsal mesoderm convergent extension, responsible for head-to-tail elongation. Finally, we evaluate a functional interaction between Fry and NDR1 kinase, providing evidence of an evolutionarily conserved complex required for morphogenesis.

PubMed ID: 33758327
PMC ID: PMC7987989
Article link: Sci Rep
Grant support: [+]

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: bcr chrd fn1 fry gsc h2bc21 myod1 ndrg1 not otx2 stk38 stk38l tbxt
Antibodies: Fn1 Ab1 Notochord Ab2 Somite Ab3
Morpholinos: fry MO1

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References [+] :
Bindels, mScarlet: a bright monomeric red fluorescent protein for cellular imaging. 2017, Pubmed