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Xenbase Image ID: 126053

Figure 2. Effect of mutations at positions 460 and 1353 on channel closing rates. (A) Representative traces of multichannel recordings of prephosphorylated WT and mutant CFTR channels, used to determine burst duration. Downward deflection indicates inward current. (B) Closing rates of WT and mutant CFTR channels, defined as the inverse of the mean burst duration (see Materials and methods). (C) Thermodynamic mutant cycle for target pair T460-L1353 built on the closing rates from B; each corner is represented by the side chains at positions 460 and 1353, respectively. ΔΔG0 values (mean ± SEM) on arrows show mutation-induced changes in the stability of the transition state for closure with respect to the open ground state and were used to calculate (see Materials and methods) the coupling energy for the 460–1353 interaction (ΔΔG‡int (closing)).

Image published in: Szollosi A et al. (2011)

© 2011 Szollosi et al. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license

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