Xenbase Image ID: 125611
Figure 4. Short-range gene linkage comparisons of the PTH family members in the Takifugu, Xenopus, chicken and human genomes. Genes are represented by closed boxes and the size of the chromosome region analysed is given underneath. Genes were named using HUGO and lines indicate chromosome/scaffold segments. The vertebrate PTH family members are in bold and conserved flanking genes identified within the homologue regions are underlined. The PTH gene is localized in Xenopus scaffold_235 and in chicken chromosome 5 and two conserved genes ARNTL and BTBD10 were identified. The Xenopus and chicken PTHrP maps to scaffold_766 and chromosome 1, respectively and the gene MRPS35 was found in close proximity in all vertebrate regions analysed. PTH-L and SFRS3 genes map to Xenopus scaffold_169 and to chicken chromosome 26. SFRS3 was not linked to Takifugu PTH-L and is present on human chromosome 6 which lacks PTH-L. For simplicity, only genes with correspondence across species are represented. The figure is not drawn to scale. Image published in: Pinheiro PL et al. (2010) Copyright ©2010 Pinheiro et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. Creative Commons Attribution license Larger Image Printer Friendly View |