Xenbase Image ID: 127249
Figure 5. Quantitative analysis of the effect of HSD10 loss-of-function on the apoptosis rate and rescueExperimental scheme.Quantification of TUNEL staining on the right (injected) side of tailbud stage embryos (NF St. 33/34) normalized against the left (control) side. The standard error of four individual experiments (n = 45–52 embryos) is shown. * Denotes significance of mean difference from uninjected control at p < 0.0001.Dendritic cells from WT mice and mice with a conditional knock-out in endothelial cells and haematopoietic stem cells (Tie2) were transfected with plasmids (pT-Rex-DEST30) bearing human HSD10 WT or mutations for 48 h before TUNEL assay was performed. The percentage of TUNEL positive cells of three independent experiments and standard error are shown. Statistical significance (*) of difference from WT cells was determined at p < 0.0001. The increase in apoptosis rate caused by HSD10 knock-down can be rescued by human HSD10 WT and the Q165H mutation but not by R130C and D86G cDNA. Image published in: Rauschenberger K et al. (2010) Image downloaded from an Open Access article in PubMed Central. Copyright © 2010 EMBO Molecular Medicine Larger Image Printer Friendly View |