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Xenbase Image ID: 127823

Figure 7. The time course of Ih activation and deactivation is different between ciHCNa and ciHCNb.A. (Left) Sample current traces elicited by a hyperpolarization of the membrane potential from a holding potential of −10 mV to −90 (ciHCNa) or −70 mV (ciHCNb). The slow portion of the current traces obtained by hyperpolarization to −90 or −70 mV (Ih) was fit with a double (ciHCNa) or single (ciHCNb) exponential function. The sample fits of these traces are shown in dark gray, along with a plot of the residuals of the fits in light gray at the top of each current trace. (Right) Plots of Tau values, which were obtained from fitting with exponential functions, versus test voltage. B. Plot of the ratio of amplitudes of fast component versus the amplitudes of both the fast and slow component of the double exponential fit for the current traces, obtained from oocytes expressing ciHCNa as described in ‘A’, versus test voltage. For both ‘A’ and ‘B’, the values for “n” refer to the number of oocytes used. For all plots, the values represent the mean ± s.e.m.

Image published in: Jackson HA et al. (2012)

Image reproduced on Xenbase with permission of the publisher and the copyright holder. Creative Commons Attribution license

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