Xenbase Image ID: 121883
Figure 4. Gating charge displacement in the R377H channel is unaffected by external protons. (A) Gating current records from the R377H channel measured with the cut-open oocyte voltage clamp in symmetric NMDG-MS solutions, pH 7.4 in the inside and pH 9.2 in the outside (pHo). The superimposed currents are in response to various test pulses from a holding potential of −90 mV, also shown superimposed at the top. (B) The same sequence of superimposed gating current records from the same oocyte in pHo 5 external solution. (C) The voltage dependence of gating charge displacement (Q-V curves) for the ON- (left panel, open symbols) and OFF-gating currents (right panel, closed symbols) displayed in A (pHo 9.2, circles) and B (pHo 5, squares). (Experiment D11017h) Image published in: Starace DM and Bezanilla F (2001) © 2001 The Rockefeller University Press. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license Larger Image Printer Friendly View |