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Xenbase Image ID: 124151

Figure 7. Repeat and non-repeat piRNAs regulated by GASZ.(A) Compositional analysis of small RNA populations at postnatal days 7 (P7), 10 (P10), and 14 (P14) in Gasz+/− (Left) and Gasz−/− (Right) testes with annotation of small RNA populations as described in experimental procedures. (B–D) Comparison of the relative abundance of several classes of known and putative novel piRNAs between Gasz−/− and control testes at postnatal days 7, 10, and 14 including known non-repeat-associated piRNAs (B), repeat-associated piRNAs (25–29 nt) (C) and unknown small RNAs (25–29 nt) (D).

Image published in: Ma L et al. (2009)

Ma et al. Creative Commons Attribution license

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