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Xenbase Image ID: 124279

Figure 2. Kcv Blocker-resistant mutants of potassium transport deficient yeast.Rescue in the presence of barium (10 mM BaCl2) A, and amantadine (500 mM) B, by the Kcv* and Kcv_Back mutant identified by backcrossing. Kcv_Back contains a single point mutation, T63S. Kcv P-Stuffer is a non-functional Kcv construct (see Materials and Methods). C, Sequence alignment of the selectivity filter regions of Kcv, Kir2.1, and select potassium channels. The positions of Kcv T63 and Kir2.1 T142 are highlighted in yellow. The selectivity filter ‘GYG’ sequence is also highlighted. D, Model indicating the position of the conserved T63 position (shown in sticks and having one of the copies indicated by the arrow) using KcsA [31]. The site 4 ion, which is coordinated by both backbone and sidechain oxygens from the T63 position is shown as a blue sphere. The front subunit of the KcsA tetramer is not shown.

Image published in: Chatelain FC et al. (2009)

Chatelain et al. Creative Commons Attribution license

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