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Xenbase Image ID: 126350

Figure 2. Localization of MOS1 in host cells.The GFP fluorescence patterns are analyzed in human HeLa cells, amphibian cells, insect cells, and onion epidermal cells transfected with plasmids expressing only GFP or a MOS1-FL GFP fusion. The left panels show GFP fluorescence, the middle panels show the nuclear genomic DNA staining by DAPI, the right panels correspond to merge pictures. For onion epidermal cells, the pattern of a GFP-SV40.NLS fusion was also verified since the localization of the MOS1-FL GFP was not homogenous in the nuclei. The scale bars correspond to 100 µm in HeLa cells, 200 µm in amphibian cells, 50 µm in insect cells, and 200 µm in plant cells.

Image published in: Demattei MV et al. (2011)

Demattei et al. Creative Commons Attribution license

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