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Xenbase Image ID: 126039

Figure 3. Identification of the 42 kDa polypeptides as the hnRNPG homologues by Mass spectrometry analysis. (A) MALDI-TOF MS spectrum of one of the 42 kDa spots. The peaks are labelled with stars when the mass was identified as an hnRNP G peptide. (B) The peak at 1435.7 m/z was fragmented for further analysis. The N-to-C sequence of this peptide could be obtained directly by reading the spectrum from right to left (arrow). Thus, the sequence was 10LFIGGLNTETNEK22 and corresponded to an hnRNP G-specific peptide. Some a-, b-type and immonium fragments were also present and confirmed this unambiguous identification.

Image published in: Kanhoush R et al. (2011)

© The Author(s) 2011. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license

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