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Fig. 5. Confocal and fluorescence light microscopic images showing cellular localization of Keratin 19 (Krt19) in larval and post-metamorphic frog epithelia. (A–D) Antibody labeling in whole corneas showing the distribution and appearance of Krt19 (green) labeled cells in larval stages, as labeled. (A′-D′) Merged images for A-D with Hoechst labeled nuclei (magenta). (A-A′) Apical cells of the central corneal epithelium exhibit very faint Krt19 labeling. (B-B′) Krt19 is primarily localized in the cytoplasm of cells in the basal epithelium of the central cornea. Krt19 labeling looks uniform throughout the basal layer. (C-C′) Apical epithelium of the peripheral cornea with very weak staining for Krt19. (D-D′) Localized Krt19 labeling in the cytoplasm of all cells in the basal epithelium of the peripheral cornea. (E–H) Krt19 (green) immunostaining in mature Xenopus cornea, eyelid and skin, as labeled. The apical surface is located towards the top of each image and the basal surface towards the bottom. (E′-H′) Merged images for E-H with Hoechst labeled nuclei (magenta). (E-E′) Krt19 is detected in all the epithelial layers of the central cornea. Krt19 predominantly localizes to the apical epithelial cells, where it forms a layer on the surface of the corneal epithelium (indicated by white arrowheads in E and E′). (F-F′) Krt19 localization is observed in all epithelial layers of the limbal area. (G-G′) Ventral eyelid showing Krt19 labeling. Inner surface of the eyelid has Krt19-positive cells in all the layers. The staining is restricted to cells in the basal layer of the outer surface of the eyelid. (H-H′) Skin epithelium showing Krt19 staining. The labeled cells are largely localized to the basal layer, with few positive cells found in the intermediate layers. The outermost layer of skin does not express Krt19. ive, inner ventral eyelid; ove, outer ventral eyelid. Scale bar in H′ equals 25 μm for A-D, A′-D′, and 50 μm for E-H, E′-H’. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.) Image published in: Sonam S et al. (2019) Copyright © 2019. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.
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