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Xenbase Image ID: 154310

Fig. 3 Temporal series covering the complete embryonic development of Xenopus laevis. (A) Images from the initial cleavages to the mid-neurula stage. Arrows indicate: magenta, blastocoel; dark red, ectoderm; light blue, mesoderm; blue, archenteron; light green, endorderm; dark green, brain ventricle. r, rostral; c, caudal; d, dorsal; v, ventral. In-plane resolution52323 mm2, temperature5 (20  1)1C. Imaging time512 min for images up to 4.5 hpf, and 24 min for the images thereafter, in accordance with the slowdown of the cell division cycle at the mid-blastula transition (Gilbert, 2003). (B) Images from the mid-neurula stage to the tailbud stage. Axis labels, scale bar and arrows are as in (A). Blue at 46.1 hpf, foregut; light blue, somites. In-plane resolution52323 mm2, imaging time5 12 min, temperature5(18  1)1C. Scale bars51 mm.

Image published in: Lee SC et al. (2007)

Copyright © 2007. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher.

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