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Xenbase Image ID: 119231

Figure 2. Xenopus GFP-coilin is efficiently translated by Xenopus oocytes and is targeted to CBs. (A) Western blot of GV proteins from control oocytes (lane 1) or oocytes injected with Xenopus GFP-coilin mRNA (lanes 2 and 3), stained with an antibody against Xenopus coilin (lanes 1 and 2) or against GFP (lane 3). The bottom band is endogenous coilin, the top band is newly translated GFP- coilin. Molecular mass standards in kD. (B) Confocal images of a CB from a control GV (top panels) and from a GV isolated from an oocyte that had been injected with GFP-coilin mRNA (bottom panels), stained with antibodies against GFP (middle panels) or coilin (right panels). In the injected oocyte, GFP-coilin and endogenous coilin are precisely colocalized. CB, Cajal body; N, nucleolus.

Image published in: Handwerger KE et al. (2003)

Copyright © 2003, The Rockefeller University Press. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license

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