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Xenbase Image ID: 121136

Figure 6. The C-linker has no independent effect on voltage dependence of gating. (A) Schematic drawings of HCN1ΔC-term and HCN1–2LΔCNBD (bold line indicates HCN1 and light line HCN2). (B) Steady-state tail current activation curves for HCN1ΔC-term (solid curve, open circles) and HCN1–2LΔCNBD (dashed curve, closed squares). The curves show the fits of Boltzmann relations that yield the following parameters: for HCN1ΔC-term, V1/2 = −110.5 mV and s = 5.8 mV (11 patches); and for HCN1–2LΔCNBD, V1/2 = −109.1 mV and s = 7.4 mV (4 patches). (C) Difference between the V1/2 of HCN1ΔC-term, HCN1–2LΔCNBD, or HCN1ΔCNBD (data from Wainger et al. 2001) and the V1/2 of wild-type HCN1 (i.e., V1/2 of a given deletion mutant minus the V1/2 of HCN1). Also shown is the shift in V1/2 of HCN1 by saturating [cAMP] (data in Table ). Error bars show SEM.

Image published in: Wang J et al. (2001)

© 2001 The Rockefeller University Press. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license

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